Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year

Here's wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy, Wonderful New Year. It's that time when we sit down and make our resolutions and start planning all of the things we want to do in the coming months. Every year I toy with the same old resolutions: lose weight, get healthier, make new friends, be wiser, etc. and every year I don't succeed the way I envision. So this year I'm going to try something different. I don't know if it'll work. I don't know if it'll make a difference even if it does work. It's one of those funky experiments that I make with my life in the hopes of making it a bit brighter.

I love the idea of the "pay it forward" challenge, but I also know that I'm not in a position to help out any one else. Yet. I'll get there, and I am very much looking forward to it. But what about right now? I think about all of the wonderful things that other people have done for me, and I wonder, how can I repay them? The truth is, I can't. What I can do, is try to be kinder to other people. Even just the little things, letting a car out of the parking lot when there's heavy traffic, helping someone get something off the top shelf in the store because they can't reach it, that sort of thing. Earth shattering? No, it's not. But the truth is, when I do little things like this, these random acts of kindness or whatever you want to call them, I feel better about myself. I'd like to think that for a few minutes that other person feels good too.

I don't know if this will accomplish anything. I'm hoping that it'll help me to feel better about myself and my surroundings by helping me to feel like I am a part of something bigger than just "me". I'm hoping that along the way, I'll help one person to smile a little bigger, to laugh a little louder, to feel special for one fleeting moment. I think my prospects for this are much better than my prospects for losing weight or quitting smoking too. So maybe, by just not setting myself up for a fall, I'll grow just a little bit this year. And maybe, just maybe, I'll learn how to be a better person.

1 comment:

Mafia Wife said...

You know, every little bit counts. Do what you are able to do, and that's the best way to start! By the way, coming in this weekend? I have Fri, Sat off and don't work until 4pm on Sun... only have a baby shower on Sat for a couple of hours... will be a good weekend to hang out and visit.