Considering the news last night of the bridge collapsing near Minneapolis, I thought I'd share a funny picture with you guys. I woke up to read about the bridge, and felt so sad, I just needed to do a little something to make myself smile a bit. Before I do though, let me just say that my thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected by this latest tragedy. And without further ado:
Yep, that's the Kitty of Doom there, after being caught surfing the net for "kitty pr0n". Okay, that's not really what he was doing (this time). He likes to sit in his daddy's office chair and nap. And he likes to sit like this basically anywhere. But this is one of the few times I've ever seen him in this pose in the chair. I thought it was really cute. And yes, his eyes are always that big. I think that the Kitty of Doom is actually the reincarnation of Al Bundy. Which is much better than say, Ted Bundy. Yep, the cat's weird. No wonder he fits in around here.
Gizmo used to sit that way all the time! Too funny!
Love the new look here! Won't prob'ly be too hard to change up the look by changing the background colors and adding a different image to the header.
If ya need any photoshop assistance here with that, just give me a yell...
Yell! Holler! Scream! Hehe, I R bad. It's pretty and all, but I think the yellow is a bit too bright. I'm more of a blue/green/gray/black kind of girl. I do love the format though. It's clean and easy to differentiate stuff. I should have messed with the fonts some more, but I was lazy. These are okay and do the job, but they're kinda really boring...
Hey, there's a pretty decent site to do color picking, for when you are ready to change them up, that will give each color in the html code for use in your template and then also PS (in case you want me to help ya with creating a cool header, which btw, I'm more than happy to do :) Any way, if ya wanna check it out, google steel dolphin color schemer and you'll find the link for it. There's a few out there, but I've used this one quite a bit.
When you come next time, we can look into changing things up if you want. Some stuff might just require template editing, which I know you can manage, but some may need to be PSed.
As for your header, as I said before, if I have any images you want to use, by all means, let me know. If there's a specific theme you want that I can get photos of for your header if I don't have them, let me know that too. Not real hard really.
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