Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hanging out

I'm just sitting here hangin' out wit' my homies...(Do they still say that? I'm sooooo out of touch). Monster Puppy is over on the bed keeping an eye on the shadows. She has to do this or else they might move and come after her, you know. Right now they're staying pretty still, but she won't be fooled. Kitty of Doom is making sure that Mafia Wife's chest (for storing things you pervs) doesn't levitate out of the room. Always a danger. Without these two, I think this house would be overtaken by floating chests and shadow people.

I've got a second interview tomorrow, so hopefully that will go well and I can become a productive member of society once again. Plus it'd be nice to see a few "pluses" in the bank account instead of the "minuses". I know, I'm greedy. That's pretty much all that's going on for me. I don't lead a very exciting life. But my back hurts and I could use a massage. Do you think I can train Kitty of Doom to do this?