Thursday, December 28, 2006

Still Alive...I Think

Like the title suggests, I think I'm still alive. This pneumonia thing is awful. One day it's one "symptom" that just kills you, the next it's another, and so on. Today it's these waves of pain starting at the bottom of my ribcage and radiating up my side and back to join up once again in my shoulder. It feels like some meanie is just sticking me with a spear or something, over and over again. I had a ton of trouble sleeping because of this too. I'm so exhausted, but everytime I start nodding off, WHAM!!! My left side decides that it would be a good idea to launch an escape pod.

All-in-all, this has been probably the most terrifying week in my life. I can think of a LOT of worse things by far, but luckily I've managed to avoid those (though with my luck, who knows). I've been alone pretty much constantly. Most of my sleep comes from little quickie naps (5 minutes here, 5 minutes there). I've been coughing so hard that I am worried about incontinence. The stuff I'm on makes me a little loopy too. It's like, I see things happen and stuff, but it doesn't process through my head for a few minutes. I really hate this. I have to run out to the store, but in truth, the thought of that just terrifies me. I don't know how on earth I can manage that. I'm just sooooo worried that I'm going to just fall asleep (yes, it's been happening a lot). If anyone has any brilliant suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Any way, my eyelids are getting really droopy suddenly, and since I'm exhausted, I think I'm going to see if they won't lead me into a nice little nap. Later.

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