Saturday, March 31, 2007


I skipped a day. I'll probably have to sacrafice my firstborn in order to redeem myself now. I can already hear MW....*Shudder*

I've decided that today would be a lovely day to share an observation with y'all. Have you ever noticed that men and women answer questions differently? And expect different answers as well. Let me give you an example that happened to me last night: My ol' man is on his computer watching some sort of video. It looks cute so I ask him, "Honey, whatcha doing?" His response, "on the computer." Huh. Really? I was wondering what that thing was that you were staring at. (Hey, it's my story, I'm entitled to make editorial comments =P) Here, let split this up so it's easier to read.

Me: "Okay, so what are you doing on the computer?"
Him: "watching it."
Me: [eyes widened in disbelief] "I mean, what are you watching?"
Him: "a video"
Me: [teeth grinding] "I see that, um, what video?"
Him: "some stuff I found."
Me: [redfaced, ready to explode in frustration] "Okay hon, I see you watching a video on your computer, and it looks interesting. What I'm trying to get at is what video is it, where did you find it, that sort of thing, so that I can check it out."
Him: [rolls eyes] Why didn't you say that?

Now, of course, I, being female, assumed this is what I did from the very beginning. He, being male, answered the question that I asked each and every time, but only the question that I asked. Ever noticed this? I mean, if I had asked Mafia Wife this same question, she would have told me it was a video that she found on video-sharing-website-01 and listed out the freaking credits for me. Then she would have asked if I'd like another cup of coffee. This is the big issue with the whole "Male/Female" frustration. We just don't have a clue how to communicate with one another. Either that, or it's secretly Mens' desire to drive all of us women stark raving mad. And to think, growing up my Dad always told me to "Never marry a woman." I think he may have had that one backwards.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Good Morning!

Another beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. The sun is shining, it looks warm out there already (hey, I admit that I'm too lazy to step outside!). The Kitty of Doom is playing with the strings on the blinds while looking for squirrels and stuff out of the bedroom window. I'm kinda bummed that the ol' man took my desk out of there; I love watching KoD studying everything that moves outside. Plus, we'd sit there and watch for the deer. We've got a little swatch of forest just outside of our balcony, and last year there were three deer that lived there. It was always fun watching them. They're just so peaceful that it just feels good to watch them. I haven't seen them yet this year, but I hope that they'll still be there. It may just be too early for them, or it may be that I've missed them because I'm not sitting next to the window any more. I'm just going to have to make a bit more of an effort to watch for them this spring. It'll be nice to see more evidence of spring. This winter hasn't been too terrible, but I much prefer the warm air and the sunshine!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Nag Nag Nag

So Mafia Wife has been reading me the riot act for not posting on here regularly. I admit, there have been many long absences from writing, but frankly, nothing is going on, so what is there to write about? I'm pretty sure that no one wants to hear about how much phlegm I coughed up or stuff like that. And yes, my life is that boring. But any way, I thought I've been doing pretty good. I mean, this is what? the fourth post in a row? Not too shabby. I wish I could say something amusing, but I'm still wiped out. And again, life is pretty much uneventful. So MW, if you're reading this, I expect a cookie or something for being such a good girl and writing. So there.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Nothing but cuteness

Nothing seems to be going on today. I'm still fighting this stupid cold, but it's down to this never ending cough now. An annoying cough too. I probably sound like a dog barking or something. I just hope that I'm not keeping the little baby that lives in the apartment next door awake. Any way, I can't think, but I saw this completely adorable video over on and thought that I'd share. I love that website! It's always a nice little pick-me-up when I'm feeling down. So, without any further ado:

Monday, March 26, 2007

blechy yucky gross!

Yes, you've guessed it! I'm sick yet again. I swear, every single virus that has been out this year has made a beeline straight for me. So, with any luck, this loverly bottle of Zicam will do it's thing and make me feel quasi-human again. I really don't remember what it's like to be able to breathe through both nostrils any more.

There's really not much going on around here. I got back from visiting the Mafia family last night and got lots of snuggles from my kitty of doom. Got lots of snuggles from the old man too. It was pretty nice to just come home, though I'm missing MW's couch. She's got this really cushy comfy sofa/loveseat set. Perfect when you feel like just laying around. Of course, we've got this really disgusting, horribly ugly, terribly uncomfortable sectional that's been in the ol' man's family for like 40 years....Gah, if only he'd help me peruse Craig's List, maybe we could find something halfway decent and comfy! Sure, we can't afford new stuff right now, but I'd virtually kill for a comfy chair/sofa/loveseat. I wonder if MW would notice if I happened to accidentally steal one next time I'm there?

There's a quicky shot of my little guy. I'm not the greatest photographer, and since this one was done with a camera phone, the quality isn't the best. And if I could ever get Mafia Wife to drive her skinny little arse down here to take pictures of the kitty of doom I'd have something I could show off a lot more....I wonder if she'll take the hint?

Friday, March 23, 2007

It's been a while...

Yeah yeah, it's been a long, long while. Truth be told, I keep meaning to post something but when I sit down to do it, nothing comes out. I mean, total mind blank. I hate that. This week has been a bit of an adventure, so here I am to write about it.

The past few days, I got to (finally!) do something for my dear friends, Mafia Wife and The Boss Man. I say "finally" because they've done so damned much for me, and they never ask for anything in return. On a sidenote, everyone should be as lucky as I am to have friends like this. So, some friends of MW were getting married out in Colorado, and MW & BM decided to go. They asked me to hang out at their place and watch their kids and their dogs. Of course, there wasn't any question of whether I would or not, I mean, jeesh, it's not like I have anything to do, and this is just like an extension of my family. Then I got to thinking about it. I was terrified! What on earth do I know about taking care of two boys for a couple of days? I figured I'd end up emotionally scarring them for life, if not poisoning them with my horrendous cooking. Poor kids!!

Well, needless to say, everyone survived. The boys were wonderful, for the most part. I mean, hell, they are kids! They had to try and test me to find out what they could get away with! No biggie really though. They were very helpful with finding stuff, and normally did what I asked them to. The only bad thing that happened was my fault, which the Little Train Freak put me in a time out for! And yes, I let him! You see, silly ol' me looked at the clock and misread it. So, when I realized what time it was, I only had a couple of minutes to get Vinny ready to catch the bus. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but he was still in his jammies! What a trooper though. Within five minutes, he was dressed, had his shoes and jacket on, and backpack in hand. I'm tellin' ya, I was sooooo proud of him. So I got a minute long time out for making him rush. ;)

Later that same day, the mafia heads returned home to much hugging and kissing. And can you believe what those goofballs did? They brought me back gifts! How crazy is that? I mean, what is a few days when you think of all of the weekends they've let me crash on their sofa, fed me, etc. because of my bizarre situation? Okay, sure, it was a coffee mug (but it's a very cool mug), and some cigarettes, but wow. Like I told MW, now I'm her prison bitch because she paid me with smokes. Hmmm, maybe I should rename this joke that I call a blog...

Anyhoo, so I'm still here (not sure why they haven't tossed me out on my ass yet). I can't wait to get home and see my old man, but it is sooooo nice to be able to sit down, sip on some coffee and chat with my friends. I still wish we were all closer, but an hour and a half drive is a helluva lot better than me being in Alaska still!

And in conclusion, (yeah, I said that because it makes me sound all smart and stuff) congratulations to the newlyweds! Thanks for getting married so that I could do something nice for some of my friends! And thanks for the smokes MW. Or maybe I should call you "Mommy" now ;)