Friday, March 23, 2007

It's been a while...

Yeah yeah, it's been a long, long while. Truth be told, I keep meaning to post something but when I sit down to do it, nothing comes out. I mean, total mind blank. I hate that. This week has been a bit of an adventure, so here I am to write about it.

The past few days, I got to (finally!) do something for my dear friends, Mafia Wife and The Boss Man. I say "finally" because they've done so damned much for me, and they never ask for anything in return. On a sidenote, everyone should be as lucky as I am to have friends like this. So, some friends of MW were getting married out in Colorado, and MW & BM decided to go. They asked me to hang out at their place and watch their kids and their dogs. Of course, there wasn't any question of whether I would or not, I mean, jeesh, it's not like I have anything to do, and this is just like an extension of my family. Then I got to thinking about it. I was terrified! What on earth do I know about taking care of two boys for a couple of days? I figured I'd end up emotionally scarring them for life, if not poisoning them with my horrendous cooking. Poor kids!!

Well, needless to say, everyone survived. The boys were wonderful, for the most part. I mean, hell, they are kids! They had to try and test me to find out what they could get away with! No biggie really though. They were very helpful with finding stuff, and normally did what I asked them to. The only bad thing that happened was my fault, which the Little Train Freak put me in a time out for! And yes, I let him! You see, silly ol' me looked at the clock and misread it. So, when I realized what time it was, I only had a couple of minutes to get Vinny ready to catch the bus. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but he was still in his jammies! What a trooper though. Within five minutes, he was dressed, had his shoes and jacket on, and backpack in hand. I'm tellin' ya, I was sooooo proud of him. So I got a minute long time out for making him rush. ;)

Later that same day, the mafia heads returned home to much hugging and kissing. And can you believe what those goofballs did? They brought me back gifts! How crazy is that? I mean, what is a few days when you think of all of the weekends they've let me crash on their sofa, fed me, etc. because of my bizarre situation? Okay, sure, it was a coffee mug (but it's a very cool mug), and some cigarettes, but wow. Like I told MW, now I'm her prison bitch because she paid me with smokes. Hmmm, maybe I should rename this joke that I call a blog...

Anyhoo, so I'm still here (not sure why they haven't tossed me out on my ass yet). I can't wait to get home and see my old man, but it is sooooo nice to be able to sit down, sip on some coffee and chat with my friends. I still wish we were all closer, but an hour and a half drive is a helluva lot better than me being in Alaska still!

And in conclusion, (yeah, I said that because it makes me sound all smart and stuff) congratulations to the newlyweds! Thanks for getting married so that I could do something nice for some of my friends! And thanks for the smokes MW. Or maybe I should call you "Mommy" now ;)

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