Monday, March 26, 2007

blechy yucky gross!

Yes, you've guessed it! I'm sick yet again. I swear, every single virus that has been out this year has made a beeline straight for me. So, with any luck, this loverly bottle of Zicam will do it's thing and make me feel quasi-human again. I really don't remember what it's like to be able to breathe through both nostrils any more.

There's really not much going on around here. I got back from visiting the Mafia family last night and got lots of snuggles from my kitty of doom. Got lots of snuggles from the old man too. It was pretty nice to just come home, though I'm missing MW's couch. She's got this really cushy comfy sofa/loveseat set. Perfect when you feel like just laying around. Of course, we've got this really disgusting, horribly ugly, terribly uncomfortable sectional that's been in the ol' man's family for like 40 years....Gah, if only he'd help me peruse Craig's List, maybe we could find something halfway decent and comfy! Sure, we can't afford new stuff right now, but I'd virtually kill for a comfy chair/sofa/loveseat. I wonder if MW would notice if I happened to accidentally steal one next time I'm there?

There's a quicky shot of my little guy. I'm not the greatest photographer, and since this one was done with a camera phone, the quality isn't the best. And if I could ever get Mafia Wife to drive her skinny little arse down here to take pictures of the kitty of doom I'd have something I could show off a lot more....I wonder if she'll take the hint?

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