Monday, April 30, 2007
New thing
So, I added a new thing over there on the left. The "Cute Tracker". I admit it, I'm hopelessly addicted to CuteOverload. For the record, it's not an "ad". It doesn't link you anywhere. It just lets you vote for cute pictures. And if you don't wanna vote, don't. Enjoy them. Who doesn't lie to see a cute little kitty or puppy? Some real nutcase, fo' sho! I mean, jeez, I'm a self-proclaimed nutcase, and I like to look at them!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The sun was out today! It was really nice for Mr. Sun to actually show his face for a change, especially after such a gray week. Now if only I could find someone to have a conversation with! I never knew how much I took it for granted to have someone to just sit and chit chat with. It sounds so silly, but I think it's really starting to drive me insane. That's one of the really nice things about going to see The Family, there are people there to talk to! I mean, like, real human conversations! Though I think I've almost forgotten how to have a conversation. I'm even starting to believe that the Kitty of Doom can not only understand me, but that he's answering me. Instead of painting the walls, I think I should have had them padded. I admit it, I'm crazy. I talk to the cat, mainly because he's the only one who seems to listen. Makes me miss my dogs all the more, then I'd have an entire audience. I wonder how long it takes before the complete art of conversation leaves me and I just begin to answer every one with grunts. After all this time, I think it'll happen soon. By the gods I wish there was someone to talk to!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Gray Days
The last few days have been gray and dreary. Just the sort of day that makes you want to stay in bed. I haven't had much energy to actually do anything. It's funny, I've always known that these kinds of days affect humans, and if I hadn't known, three years spent in Southeast Alaska sure would have taught me, but I never really noticed how it affects our pets. My little Kitty of Doom (who's first birthday is just around the corner-if he lives to see it) has been extra snuggly due to the gloominess. Now he's my first ever cat, so I'll admit that I don't know that much about them, but I've never known a kitty to be so touchy-feely as he is. He loves to snuggle and is normally really close to where the people are, even when he wants to be alone. And if I'm around, he spends a lot of time curled up in my arms-not my lap-like I'm toting around an infant. He gives so many kisses that sometimes I think he's going to peel the skin off of my face! (no, I don't think that'd really happen, but if you've ever been kissed by a kitty, you know they're tongues are like sandpaper). And if he's about to doze off in my arms, he puts his little paw up to touch my cheek. It's like he actually wants that contact. I don't know if that's true or not, but that's how it seems to me.
And on a different topic: Mafia Wife will be pleased with this one. I told the ol' man that when I get back from my parents that we were going to sit down and discuss me moving in with The Family. He's clammed up completely since then, and our conversations have been even rarer than normal. It's making me feel pretty awful. It's starting to seem more and more like he's doing everything possible to avoid me, and that if he is stuck or can't come up with a way to go elsewhere, he pretty much clams up and doesn't say a word. I'll admit, this last year hasn't been the greatest for me. I'm in something like year number four of depression, so I'm sure I'm not a joy to be around. But it would be really nice to have a conversation once in a while! And I honestly don't remember the last time he even made a suggestive comment to me, let alone put the moves on me. If you've never been depressed, and I hope you haven't, let me tell ya, feeling unattractive and unappealing is like a knife through the heart. I'm not going to lie and say "It's all his fault!" because I know better. It is really difficult some days to get dressed let alone put on makeup or do my hair. And the worst part about that is that not doing those things makes you feel even worse! Such a double edged sword.
Of course, with this constant crappy feeling hovering about me, I'm really unsure about inflicting others with it. Gods, what if it rubbed off on the boys? I know, I know, it's not contagious, but it's one of those weird things that run through my head. And yeah, I get a little too protective of the boys. Sure, they're not mine, but I couldn't love them more if they were. Heck, I might even love them more because they aren't. Blech, I'm rambling and making myself feel like poopy. I guess that means it's time to sign off. Cross your fingers for some sunshine!!!
And on a different topic: Mafia Wife will be pleased with this one. I told the ol' man that when I get back from my parents that we were going to sit down and discuss me moving in with The Family. He's clammed up completely since then, and our conversations have been even rarer than normal. It's making me feel pretty awful. It's starting to seem more and more like he's doing everything possible to avoid me, and that if he is stuck or can't come up with a way to go elsewhere, he pretty much clams up and doesn't say a word. I'll admit, this last year hasn't been the greatest for me. I'm in something like year number four of depression, so I'm sure I'm not a joy to be around. But it would be really nice to have a conversation once in a while! And I honestly don't remember the last time he even made a suggestive comment to me, let alone put the moves on me. If you've never been depressed, and I hope you haven't, let me tell ya, feeling unattractive and unappealing is like a knife through the heart. I'm not going to lie and say "It's all his fault!" because I know better. It is really difficult some days to get dressed let alone put on makeup or do my hair. And the worst part about that is that not doing those things makes you feel even worse! Such a double edged sword.
Of course, with this constant crappy feeling hovering about me, I'm really unsure about inflicting others with it. Gods, what if it rubbed off on the boys? I know, I know, it's not contagious, but it's one of those weird things that run through my head. And yeah, I get a little too protective of the boys. Sure, they're not mine, but I couldn't love them more if they were. Heck, I might even love them more because they aren't. Blech, I'm rambling and making myself feel like poopy. I guess that means it's time to sign off. Cross your fingers for some sunshine!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Extended Weekend
So I went up to visit Mafia Wife and clan this past weekend and she and I "camped out" (okay, it was only for a few hours) to get me a Wii. Guess what I've been doing the last few days? Can you imagine, I'm playing the Wii!! I'm having a great time with it, and strangely I'm getting sore from it. As sad as it sounds and is, I think this is the most activity I've done in a long, long while. Feel the burn, baby! Well, it's not that dramatic, but I know I've been moving around a lot more. But it's rather encouraging, because I have a bit more energy. And that's after only two days! I'm excited. I even went to WalMart (*shudder*) to just wander around for a bit. I'm still not brave enough to wander through the mall. I've got to figure out a nice secure place to hide my checkbook and credit cards before I do that. But if things keep up, maybe I'll actually have the desire to do it.
I know it's so silly that a video game has helped me to feel this good. I think my biggest problem was the whole "I don't wanna get up!" thing. Once I'm up, I seem to manage for a while. And at least this is sparking some desire to get off of my lazy arse. Now I just need to find more inspiration to get off my duff.
I know it's so silly that a video game has helped me to feel this good. I think my biggest problem was the whole "I don't wanna get up!" thing. Once I'm up, I seem to manage for a while. And at least this is sparking some desire to get off of my lazy arse. Now I just need to find more inspiration to get off my duff.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
When I grow up...
I wanna be a dog. Or a cat. To hell with the whole "I want to be a programmer/doctor/lawyer/astronaut" crap. What I really want is to be a dog. To have people who feed me and clean up after me. To have someone available to snuggle when I feel like snuggling. Or playing. To nap whenever I want to. To be loved for no other reason then that I'm fuzzy. That's what I want to be when/if I grow up. Now mind you, I haven't grown up yet, and I really don't think I'm ever going to. But if I do, I wanna be a dog. I mean, imagine, your biggest worry would be whether or not there's another bone after you finish chewing up this one. That's the life.
Of course, being a cat wouldn't be too bad either. If I felt like being rude, no one would care, they'd just say, "Well, she IS a cat." Again, someone would feed me and clean up after me. And be there for the playing and snuggling. And my biggest concern would be that the sunbeam that I'm laying in is moving away from my spot. Yep, being a cat wouldn't be too bad either. Except maybe the hairball thing. Of course, being a dog has some drawbacks too. It might get annoying to constantly be blamed when someone else passes gas. Of course, I could always poop in their shoes. Can't really do that when you're human. Probably a good thing ;)
Of course, being a cat wouldn't be too bad either. If I felt like being rude, no one would care, they'd just say, "Well, she IS a cat." Again, someone would feed me and clean up after me. And be there for the playing and snuggling. And my biggest concern would be that the sunbeam that I'm laying in is moving away from my spot. Yep, being a cat wouldn't be too bad either. Except maybe the hairball thing. Of course, being a dog has some drawbacks too. It might get annoying to constantly be blamed when someone else passes gas. Of course, I could always poop in their shoes. Can't really do that when you're human. Probably a good thing ;)
Monday, April 16, 2007
One of Those Days again
I'm having another one of those days again. For some reason, and I really can't figure out exactly why, I woke up incredibly blue. I couldn't stop thinking about my dogs and how much I miss them. It's been almost a full year since I've seen the fuzzy little goobers, and it hasn't gotten any easier. Now granted, I don't want to forget them, but I thought that after some time, I'd stop questioning whether I did the right thing or not. For those who don't know (assuming any one other than Mafia Wife might read this), when my ex-husband and I divorced and I moved back to Michigan, from Alaska, we decided it would be better for the dogs to remain there with him. Harley is getting on in years and I was afraid that the trip would be too much for him. Roxy is and always has been a daddy's girl and would be so heartbroken to leave her daddy. And Kyrie, my little monster, she so loves to be outside romping about, how could I stuff her into a little apartment where she could only go outside once in a while? To this day I question whether or not I shouldn't have just taken Harley and Kyrie with me. Roxy was the ex's before we ever met, so there wasn't a question there. Sure, we bonded and I love her like my own, but the bond wasn't ever like her bond with my ex, and I couldn't tear her away from that, it would have been beyond selfish. But Harley, my darling boy, we were together for 13 years. Whenever I come home, I still look for him to greet me at the door. I wake up wondering why he's not at my feet. And Kyrie, we brought her home when she was six weeks old (yes, I know that was way too young!). I took her to her first vet appointment, I held her when she was so sick with giardia and she could barely lift her little head. And every night I wake up wishing that she were snuggling up next to me, burrowing her face into my hair (this was her "thing", she loved to cover her face up with my hair). For some reason, it's worse today. I wish I knew why. I just hope and pray that it's not because there is something wrong with one of my furry angels. You know, some sort of sixth sense thing going on. I miss them so much. I know, some folks would say, "They're just dogs..." but they were more than that to me. Whenever I felt lost or hopeless, which was a LOT when I was in Alaska, they were there to snuggle with me. Whenever I just needed to vent my thoughts, they listened (which is more than the ex could do) and didn't judge me. They gave me love for no reason other than to be loved in return. It breaks my heart to think of them so far away from me, considering everything that they did. Yes, I'm a sentimental fool, but I don't care. They are my babies and nothing will ever change that. No matter how far away or how much time passes, I hope they know how much I love them and treasure the time I had with them. And hopefully, someday they'll forgive me, even if I can't forgive myself.

An old picture of my Harley

Kyrie, with Roxy in the background

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Ramble ramble
It seems I've been slacking this last week with the posting. I was doing so well too! But then, it's easy to jot down ideas when there is stuff going on. This week the weather has been crappy, my back and joints have been staging a revolt, and all-in-all, I really haven't wanted to do much of anything besides nap. I really hate it when I get like this.
I found out this week that my ol' man gets his kids for Memorial Day weekend. It's not normally his weekend, so that will mean three weekends in a row that I have to find somewhere to vacate to. I'm actually thinking about taking my parents up on their offer to go down to Florida for a visit. I hate to do it only because they'll insist on paying for the airfare and any dinners out. I appreciate it so much that they want to do this for me, but it just makes me feel rather slimy. I mean, jeesh, they're retired, they aren't fabulously wealthy, they've raised their kids already, why on earth do they have to support me for a week? But on the other hand, it'd be a chance to see my parents for a while. And probably my sister. And my niece, whom I've met once, three years ago. And to meet my nephew for the first time, and he's almost three! I'm a horrible aunt.
Of course, this brings up all of those really selfish thoughts as well. Every time I have to pack up and head out of here, I get a little bit more resentful of his kids. It's not really fair to them that I feel this way, but it's how I feel. I know that my "anger" is misplaced. I just keep trying to come to terms with it. I mean, it's not really their fault that they want to spend time with their dad. I can't blame them for that, can I? Though I do blame him for not standing up for me. I think he should explain to them that he loves me and that he wants me to be a part of his life from here on out. But he doesn't do that. And of course, with my paranoia, you can just imagine what thoughts that puts into my head. I mean, he tells me that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, but I can't say that I've seen any evidence to that fact, so is he lying to himself and to me? I wish I knew. We even had our "discussion" about having a family again. The most that I can get out of him is that we will have a family "when we're more stable." What does that mean? Financially stable? Emotionally stable? That won't ever happen! And I'll be damned if I have to wait until his kids give their "approval" of us having children! But I fear that's exactly what he means. I think that I've waited long enough, and I think that I'm not asking for the world when I ask for the "when" of it. I mean, give me a time line of sorts. Three years? Five years? Give me something more than an abstract idea that you don't actually define. I'm very much afraid that this is his unconscious way of delaying it to the point where it's impossible. I'm not being fair, I'm sure, but that's how I feel. I've waited for sooooo long, and this is something that I've always wanted, and yet, it's still so far out of my grasp. I never thought that my dreams were that unattainable. Gods, sometimes I just wish that I could scream! Instead, I just cry until there aren't any more tears and wonder how on earth I could have let my life go the way it has. And times like this, I have to wonder why I ever left Alaska. Yep, hated it there. But at least I had a shot at those dreams. Even had taken steps towards fulfilling them. Oy vey, sometimes I think that I wasn't made to live in this world. None of it makes any sense to me.
And with that, I think I've rambled enough. Which you can actually read as: If I don't stop typing right this instant, I'm either going to weep uncontrollably, or toss the computer out the window. Laterz dudez!
I found out this week that my ol' man gets his kids for Memorial Day weekend. It's not normally his weekend, so that will mean three weekends in a row that I have to find somewhere to vacate to. I'm actually thinking about taking my parents up on their offer to go down to Florida for a visit. I hate to do it only because they'll insist on paying for the airfare and any dinners out. I appreciate it so much that they want to do this for me, but it just makes me feel rather slimy. I mean, jeesh, they're retired, they aren't fabulously wealthy, they've raised their kids already, why on earth do they have to support me for a week? But on the other hand, it'd be a chance to see my parents for a while. And probably my sister. And my niece, whom I've met once, three years ago. And to meet my nephew for the first time, and he's almost three! I'm a horrible aunt.
Of course, this brings up all of those really selfish thoughts as well. Every time I have to pack up and head out of here, I get a little bit more resentful of his kids. It's not really fair to them that I feel this way, but it's how I feel. I know that my "anger" is misplaced. I just keep trying to come to terms with it. I mean, it's not really their fault that they want to spend time with their dad. I can't blame them for that, can I? Though I do blame him for not standing up for me. I think he should explain to them that he loves me and that he wants me to be a part of his life from here on out. But he doesn't do that. And of course, with my paranoia, you can just imagine what thoughts that puts into my head. I mean, he tells me that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, but I can't say that I've seen any evidence to that fact, so is he lying to himself and to me? I wish I knew. We even had our "discussion" about having a family again. The most that I can get out of him is that we will have a family "when we're more stable." What does that mean? Financially stable? Emotionally stable? That won't ever happen! And I'll be damned if I have to wait until his kids give their "approval" of us having children! But I fear that's exactly what he means. I think that I've waited long enough, and I think that I'm not asking for the world when I ask for the "when" of it. I mean, give me a time line of sorts. Three years? Five years? Give me something more than an abstract idea that you don't actually define. I'm very much afraid that this is his unconscious way of delaying it to the point where it's impossible. I'm not being fair, I'm sure, but that's how I feel. I've waited for sooooo long, and this is something that I've always wanted, and yet, it's still so far out of my grasp. I never thought that my dreams were that unattainable. Gods, sometimes I just wish that I could scream! Instead, I just cry until there aren't any more tears and wonder how on earth I could have let my life go the way it has. And times like this, I have to wonder why I ever left Alaska. Yep, hated it there. But at least I had a shot at those dreams. Even had taken steps towards fulfilling them. Oy vey, sometimes I think that I wasn't made to live in this world. None of it makes any sense to me.
And with that, I think I've rambled enough. Which you can actually read as: If I don't stop typing right this instant, I'm either going to weep uncontrollably, or toss the computer out the window. Laterz dudez!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
It's snowing. Yep, snowing. Has been all freaking morning. Non-stop. We're expected to get like three inches. As if the grayness of the last few days wasn't enough! Jeepers, I've forgotten to do everything lately! Especially make a post. Truth be told, there really hasn't been much on my mind the last few days. It's been so dreary, and I've been dealing with the icky joint pain and back ache that comes from the coldness. So basically, I didn't make any posts because I didn't think that any one would want to hear me ramble on about "Owie, it hurts!" and all of that. I mean really, I sound like a sickly old lady on days like that. It's annoying even to me. I keep trying to run out on myself, but I can't seem to get away. What a nuisance! So this is my lovely apology for missing the last few days of posting. I repent! Mea Culpa! And all that jazz. I'll try to come up with something brilliant for later on. No really, I'll try. I'm not going to promise to succeed, but I'll try!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Easter!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Nothing much happened yesterday, so there wasn't anything to write about. The weather's been chilly and gray, so it was basically just a blah kind of day. One of those days where it would be perfect to curl up on the couch, wrapped in a nice cuddly blanket, sipping hot chocolate and either watching an old movie or reading a good book. As for today, it's pretty much the same. The body shop called this morning to tell me that the car was finished. So I went to pick it up and return the rental car. They did a really nice job. Not only did they make it look all purty, they washed the car inside and out. Now my car has that ultra fresh smell that only body shops seem to have access to. It's not a bad scent, but for some reason it reminds me of scented toilet paper or kleenexes. Yeah, I'll just chalk that up to my ultimate weirdness. So the Caddy's back home and you can't even tell that he got smacked around. They did a really good job on it. The paint matches exactly, the pinstripes are lined up perfectly. I'm just glad it's finished. Though, I kind of wish that it would have taken longer. I rather liked driving that Buick Lucerne around. Oh how I miss having a brand new car! I am such a snob!!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
A New Background
Well, Mafia Wife subtlely hinted to me via email that the crappy template that I was using was too boring, and she sent me a link to this one. I really like it, but for some reason it's just not quite right. Yeah yeah, I'm picky. So, for now I'll leave it up because it's cute and a lot better then the boring thing I had before. We'll just have to wait and see if I find anything else. Maybe the "big issue" that I have is that this isn't even my Kitty of Doom. Hrrmmmm, maybe I can talk the ol' man into getting another kitty...or better yet, a puppy!
And on another note, I just got a call from the car shop and the insurance appraiser. When they got inside, i.e. took the fender off, they did find more damage. Nothing too dramatic (a support for the radiator was bent) but the appraiser went out to the shop and authorized the repair and gave them a check for the additional charges. Then everyone called me to let me know. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with how smoothly everything is going with the insurance company and the body shop. So far the only pain in the arse thing has been with the rental car, and that wasn't too bad. I have to say though, I'm not sure I'd ever rent an economy or the next step up from a rental agency. Those cars are used so much they're just this side of trashed. I think I'd spend the extra couple of bucks to have a vehicle that didn't smell like dirty diapers when the sun was shining...
And on another note, I just got a call from the car shop and the insurance appraiser. When they got inside, i.e. took the fender off, they did find more damage. Nothing too dramatic (a support for the radiator was bent) but the appraiser went out to the shop and authorized the repair and gave them a check for the additional charges. Then everyone called me to let me know. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with how smoothly everything is going with the insurance company and the body shop. So far the only pain in the arse thing has been with the rental car, and that wasn't too bad. I have to say though, I'm not sure I'd ever rent an economy or the next step up from a rental agency. Those cars are used so much they're just this side of trashed. I think I'd spend the extra couple of bucks to have a vehicle that didn't smell like dirty diapers when the sun was shining...
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The Rental Car Saga continues
Well, finally I have a new rental car. After about three phone calls to the insurance company and four or five to the rental company, they've all managed to get their paperwork (read: red tape) in order. So I got to take back the itsy bitsy Cobalt and now I've got a 2007 Buick Lucerne. Nice car. To their credit, the rental company was going to upgrade me into a full size Caddy, but the thing was freaking huge, and I really didn't want to try and park the darned thing. Besides, I'd probably get a bit too comfy in the super plushness and not want to get my car back! So I told them thanks, but it's not necessary, and I'd prefer the Lucerne. Frankly, those big arse Caddys are too big for my taste. The Lucerne is basically the same size as my Catera, and it's got all the same kind of plushness. In short, it's a similar vehicle, like I was promised! Thank goodness that mess is finished! Now I can be comfy while I'm waiting on my car to be fixed. I'm telling ya, this was such a headache! Granted, both the insurance company and the rental company were very pleasant to deal with, but it was just another case of too many hands in the cookie jar. I'm glad that I didn't have to organize all of this crap myself though. But then again, if I had, I don't think it would have been as messed up as it was. Phew. It's done! YES!
Monday, April 02, 2007
A Cat in the....Pants?!?!
Funny (and yet true) story: I ran out to the store last night to pick up a few things. Well, as usual, I spent longer then I planned and by the time I got home, my bladder was near to bursting (why does that always happen when you're out and about?). So I unlocked the apartment, ran in, dropped my bags, and ran to the bathroom. Knowing that my ol' man was going to be away, I didn't bother closing the door, which is odd for me because I'm super uptight about that. In saunters the Kitty of Doom to say hi to his mom. He proceeds to meow his greeting to me, yawned, and then decided to crawl into my pants! Why, I haven't the foggiest. How, you know, even though I saw the whole thing, I still can't figure it out. I mean, he managed to climb in, make himself cozy, and yet never touch my panties which, like my pants were down around my knees at this stage. He proceeded to fall fast asleep in less then a second, and could not be budged. So, I'm running around the house wearing my panties, trying to find some sweats or something, and all the while, he's snoozing in my pants in the bathroom. I guess I should just be thankful that a cute guy wanted to get into my pants...Though next time, maybe it could be a cute guy of the same species....
And on another topic: the Caddy went into the shop today. Talk about easy! I mean, the dealer that I took it to just happened to have a kiosk for the rental place on site. Though, it still took the rental people an hour to "clean up" the car they gave me. Talk about a joke. I was told by the insurance company that I would have something comparable to my car while it was in the shop. So in pulls this car that I'm getting: a Chevy Cobalt sedan. Okay, this isn't a bad car, but I'm not sure why exactly they make a four door model since there is no way in hell that any one of normal proportions could fit into that back seat. I am SOOOO glad that I didn't take my shop in last week when I was watching Mafia Wife's kids! I honestly don't think that their car seats could fit into that car. Now, I know that my car isn't one of the super big Caddys. I know that I was not going to be getting exactly what I have, but I figured that I should at least have something that people could fit into! And to top it off, I had to wait for an hour for them to "clean" this thing. Both front seats are stained. The passenger side airbag looks like it's been pried off on one corner. There is mud all over the inside of the doors. It's probably the most disgusting car I've ever rented. I don't expect perfection, but this was just too much. I took it home and called the insurance company since I didn't have the phone number with me. They promptly "upgraded" me to something that would be closer to what I've got. In theory. However, the rental agency doesn't seem to have gotten the authorization, and "any way, we don't have any of that size available tonight". Okay, so when will you have one? "Sometime tomorrow." Yeah, thanks dumb ass, that helps me a lot. I then have to call the insurance company again to have them resend the authorization over. Gods, if I don't have a halfway decent car by tomorrow, I'm gonna be hot. And not in a good way. But hey, maybe I can get Kitty of Doom to get in my pants again. =)
And on another topic: the Caddy went into the shop today. Talk about easy! I mean, the dealer that I took it to just happened to have a kiosk for the rental place on site. Though, it still took the rental people an hour to "clean up" the car they gave me. Talk about a joke. I was told by the insurance company that I would have something comparable to my car while it was in the shop. So in pulls this car that I'm getting: a Chevy Cobalt sedan. Okay, this isn't a bad car, but I'm not sure why exactly they make a four door model since there is no way in hell that any one of normal proportions could fit into that back seat. I am SOOOO glad that I didn't take my shop in last week when I was watching Mafia Wife's kids! I honestly don't think that their car seats could fit into that car. Now, I know that my car isn't one of the super big Caddys. I know that I was not going to be getting exactly what I have, but I figured that I should at least have something that people could fit into! And to top it off, I had to wait for an hour for them to "clean" this thing. Both front seats are stained. The passenger side airbag looks like it's been pried off on one corner. There is mud all over the inside of the doors. It's probably the most disgusting car I've ever rented. I don't expect perfection, but this was just too much. I took it home and called the insurance company since I didn't have the phone number with me. They promptly "upgraded" me to something that would be closer to what I've got. In theory. However, the rental agency doesn't seem to have gotten the authorization, and "any way, we don't have any of that size available tonight". Okay, so when will you have one? "Sometime tomorrow." Yeah, thanks dumb ass, that helps me a lot. I then have to call the insurance company again to have them resend the authorization over. Gods, if I don't have a halfway decent car by tomorrow, I'm gonna be hot. And not in a good way. But hey, maybe I can get Kitty of Doom to get in my pants again. =)
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Righteous Ranting
I was skimming through the headlines over on CNN's website, when I stumbled unto this article. I thought I was going to retch. Can you even imagine such a thing? Maybe she was trying to pull some sort of scam or something, but I just shudder at the thought. It amazes me every single day, usually multiple times in a day, to hear of how horrid some people treat their children! Admittedly, I'm not a mother, so maybe I'm not "qualified" to say anything about this. But all of my life, all that I've ever wanted was to have a precious child. Someone to watch over, to teach right and wrong to, to share everyday things with. Then I read something like that article and think, I haven't been able to have kids, despite trying virtually everything I possibly can, and this slimebucket has 4!!! Four children who are going to have to try and break out of the horrible "lessons" that they've learned from their parents. And I truly believe that those kids understand WAY more than any of us will give them credit for. I just don't understand this sort of thing. Maybe that's good, because, to be honest, I don't want to understand it. I'm just so sickened by events like this one. Especially when I know that there are people out there, like me, who cry themselves to sleep every night because they haven't been blessed by the miracle of a child. I'm not saying I'd be a perfect mother (after a few days with Mafia Wife's boys, I'm sure I'd probably mess up a lot of stuff!), but I'd sure as hell be a better parent then this scumbag! I could go on and on about this, but frankly, I'm too disgusted and want nothing more then to snuggle my kitty and pretend that he and I are the only one's in the world.
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