Saturday, March 31, 2007


I skipped a day. I'll probably have to sacrafice my firstborn in order to redeem myself now. I can already hear MW....*Shudder*

I've decided that today would be a lovely day to share an observation with y'all. Have you ever noticed that men and women answer questions differently? And expect different answers as well. Let me give you an example that happened to me last night: My ol' man is on his computer watching some sort of video. It looks cute so I ask him, "Honey, whatcha doing?" His response, "on the computer." Huh. Really? I was wondering what that thing was that you were staring at. (Hey, it's my story, I'm entitled to make editorial comments =P) Here, let split this up so it's easier to read.

Me: "Okay, so what are you doing on the computer?"
Him: "watching it."
Me: [eyes widened in disbelief] "I mean, what are you watching?"
Him: "a video"
Me: [teeth grinding] "I see that, um, what video?"
Him: "some stuff I found."
Me: [redfaced, ready to explode in frustration] "Okay hon, I see you watching a video on your computer, and it looks interesting. What I'm trying to get at is what video is it, where did you find it, that sort of thing, so that I can check it out."
Him: [rolls eyes] Why didn't you say that?

Now, of course, I, being female, assumed this is what I did from the very beginning. He, being male, answered the question that I asked each and every time, but only the question that I asked. Ever noticed this? I mean, if I had asked Mafia Wife this same question, she would have told me it was a video that she found on video-sharing-website-01 and listed out the freaking credits for me. Then she would have asked if I'd like another cup of coffee. This is the big issue with the whole "Male/Female" frustration. We just don't have a clue how to communicate with one another. Either that, or it's secretly Mens' desire to drive all of us women stark raving mad. And to think, growing up my Dad always told me to "Never marry a woman." I think he may have had that one backwards.

1 comment:

Mafia Wife said...

Yup, sounds like a man to me. The Boss Man? Pretty much the same thing. Interestingly, I found that book "men are from mars, women are from venus" rather accurate and it helped me understand the way "men" think in comparison to the way women do. If I can locate it, you're welcome to read it. Honestly, it does help me understand a little better how hubby processes things, but I still get red faced all the same. See, HE needs to read that book too, and he hasn't, ugh.

Give up the first born? Oh, never, I got my hands full! You can keep that bundle all to yourself there!!! LOL