Friday, May 25, 2007


This day is surreal. I've gone literally months without getting a single freakin' bite on my resume. So I finally gave in to my parents who have been begging me to come down for a visit. Guess what happened today? The temp agency I "signed up" with months ago calls me out of the blue with a job possibility! What the hell? I explained that I'll be out of town all of next week, and not back until late Monday, June 4, and she is trying to see what she can do. So, I might have to run in for an interview with her boss this afternoon (mind you, it's almost 2pm now). I have a couple of errands that I need to run, and now I don't know whether to wait or what. The last time she said she'd call me, I never heard anything back. Now she claims she'll call this afternoon, and I need to get out to the bank, the gas station, the book store (gotta have something to do on the plane, ya know!), and I was hoping to pop into a clothes store to look for a couple of tops. I need to be up and at the airport no later then 6 tomorrow morning, so I want to get to bed fairly early so that I manage to get some sleep. So, I have this feeling that this afternoon is going to be a big p.i.t.a. My guess is that I'm going to sit around waiting for this damned phone call, and she won't call. Then I'll have to scramble to get everything done, wasting the last few hours on errands instead of cuddling with the Kitty of Doom or the Ol' Man. I'm gonna have to rush through laundry so that I can get everything packed. Freakin' A, why must Murphy always throw his damned laws in my face? I honestly don't know whether to start laughing hysterically or to break down and cry in frustration. I'm tellin' ya, the gods must love messing with me.

Not much time

I don't have a lot of time today to write anything. I'm running around doing all that last minute junk and all the stuff I've been procrasinating on. Though that should mean that I'll be good and tired early tonight since I have to get up before the crack of dawn tomorrow. My flight takes off around 7:30, so I have to be up and at the airport early. Though, with any luck, that will mean that there aren't a lot of people there being dumb. I always seem to get behind that person that "forgets" to remove anything that will set off the metal detectors. And they forget five or six times before security starts getting annoyed...It seems that when I take early morning flights, I tend to have better luck. If I'm super lucky, I might actually manage a cat nap on the plane. Probably not, because I am a bit excited to be seeing my parents and family. I will get to see my nephew for the first time! And it's only the second time I will have seen my niece. Hopefully, since it's closer and easier to make the trip, I'll be able to get there more often. It really sucked when I was in Alaska because you really had to have a good chunk of time off to be able to go anywhere. None of this fly down for the weekend kind of stuff. Heck, my flights to get back to Michigan took 12 hours, though on paper it looked like 16 because of all of the time zones. I certainly don't want to do that for only a couple of days!

And another job update thingie: I mentioned that I got the "you didn't get the job email" last night. Well, I replied back to my interviewer, and thanked her for her time and giving me the chance with the interview, and, of course, wishing her and her company luck. She replied back! She said she "would definitely" keep me in mind if anything else opened up and that she hated that part of her job, but she was glad that I had responded so graciously. I may not have got this position, but I think that if anything opens up, I will have someone in my corner. That was really nice, because I really did like this lady. She was very sweet, very down to earth, and she had a sense of humor. Who knows, maybe I made enough of an impression on her that she'd give my name out to some of the other folks she works with (i.e. lenders, attorneys, etc.). Just have to wait and see. Haven't heard anything about the store job. Figures, I thought that one was pretty much a cakewalk. With my luck, I'll get the call while in Florida and won't get it because I won't be available for an interview (Murphy's Law).

Okay, time to get my rear in gear and get these errands done! Have fun without me for the next week and a half!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Aww damn!

Just a quick update: I got an email about the escrow job this evening. They went with someone who had more experience. *Sigh* Missed another one, it seems. On the up side, it wasn't the typical form letter rejection, and the lady that I interviewed with said that she'd keep my resume on file in case something opens up. She even wished me a good trip to visit my family. So, even though I didn't get this job, at least it wasn't a "you suck" kind of feeling afterwards. Ah well, maybe I'm getting closer to a job when it's not an out and out "no way!". One can hope...

Gettin' Ready

Been getting ready for my big trip to visit the family. I'm not looking forward to being at the airport at 6 in the morning, but it'll be so nice to see Mom & Dad again! So now it's all about whether or not the laundry is done, if I have everything I need, what am I going to do on the plane, that sort of junk. And I guess I must have overestimated my appeal on these two jobs. Either that or I was just doing a bit of wishful thinking. I haven't heard neither hide nor hair from either of them. I guess it isn't a big deal, but I have this feeling that if either are still interested in me, that they'll want me to pop in sometime next week and I won't be able to. I hate losing out on stuff when it's something that you made sure that folks knew before you even started interviewing. Alas, not much that I can do, besides hurry up and wait. I've become a Master at that. I wonder if I can get some cool abbreviation to go after my name to signify my masterhood...

So there really isn't anything else going on. I think the Kitty of Doom knows that I'm going to be leaving him for a while because he's been even more super snuggly. I honestly didn't know that was possible. It's almost annoying the way he's following me around. I mean, not only into the bathroom, but he even had to peak around the shower curtain when I was showering! Maybe he thinks I'm going to escape down the drain. Obviously, that would mean that he has no concept of size at all. But then, most males don't, do they? Muhahaha! Bad joke. So, I'm rambling, so I'll spare y'all any further for the time being.

Monday, May 21, 2007


What a weekend! I took the Kitty of Doom with me to visit the Mafia family this weekend. He did pretty good, though he hid in the basement most of the time. He seemed to really like the boys (who wouldn't?) and M.W., except when she was trying to get him to check out the dogs. He's really not sure about the dogs. He seems curious, but scared. Maybe scared isn't the right word, but definitely cautious. He decided to give us a bit of a heart attack on Friday night though. M.W. and I went out to grab some food, and when we came back, we couldn't find him any where. We searched the house from top to bottom and he was no where in sight. Finally we found him.

Yep, in the basement, hiding up in the rafters! The little snot scared the bejesus out of me! On the up side though, that's one less spot Mafia Wife will need to dust in the basement!

All in all, it was a nice weekend. I love spending time with my "family away from family". Even if the Lil' Train Freak is always trying to talk me into staying or leaving the Kitty of Doom with him! Crazy kid, he really wants another kitty. Ooh, and Mafia Wife took some nice pics of KoD too! She claims they're "okay" but not "professional" and all that crap. Though they were just quicky little snaps, I think she did a great job--but then, I also think she really underestimates how good her work is. You be the judge!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Murphy's Law

When it rains, it pours. It never fails, if I make plans that I can't really change without some sort of trauma to someone I love, something inevitably comes up. I think I did really well on that interview the other day (still no rejection note--YAY!), and I got an email from a friend telling me that there's an office assistant position in the store that he works at. Doesn't it figure? Two good chances, and on Saturday of next week I'm flying to Florida for a week and a half! It never fails. Of course, I'm rather torn now on the job thing. Assuming that I have an equal shot at both, I'm guessing that the Escrow Closer position will pay a lot more. But...when I did it before, in Alaska, I really hated it. The stress was just crazy, not helped by me always worrying about everyone involved. Plus, I really hate being on the phone all the time, which is basically all the time I'm not in a closing. So, go for something that would be nice and comfortable and allow me to sleep at night, or go for the one with the money? Money is always nice, especially since I really want to save up for all those nice little things like a house and a new car. But is it worth it when you can't sleep at night? If only the stress made it so I couldn't eat...then it'd be easy because the Gods know I'd really like to lose some weight! Hahah, I don't think starvation would be a good idea though. Well, I'll be seeing Mafia Wife this evening, so I'm sure she'll help me with some good old fashioned advice. Of course, there is one "bad" thing about the Office Assistant job. My ol' man really, really, really hates this friend (with reason), and it would probably stir up a bit of trouble in that department. Then again, things aren't that peachy in our "relationship" any way. In fact, I don't remember the last time we kissed or told each other that we love them. It seems that I have a more "intimate" relationship with my cat! (Now don't go reading anything kinky or gross into that!)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Another weekend

Well, just preparing to head on up to visit my favorite mafia family over the weekend. And I'm bringing my little Kitty of Doom with me. That should be exciting. Hopefully, he'll behave himself and not freak out too badly. I think he'll do okay. He's normally pretty mellow and happy-go-lucky. Now I'm just trying to remember to bring everything that he'll need. Though I don't think I'll bring any of his toys since he likes to hide them a bit too much.

On another note, I haven't heard anything back on the interview from yesterday, and I'm taking that as a good sign. She swore that she'd send at least an email, if not a phone call, regardless of what happens because she knows what it's like to sit around and wait for some sort of word. Thank goodness! I've actually had some where the emailed rejection was timed during my interview. Not very good for the ego. But then, I interview horribly. I have a hard time "selling" myself and making myself sound like some sort of a superwoman. But the truth is, I've never had a job where I felt comfortable taking 100% of the credit any way. Now, if I make a mistake, then I'll take the blame, but if everything comes up roses, there are other people involved that helped with that, so why should I claim the spotlight? That just doesn't sit well with me. But then again, I'm one of those people who blend into the woodwork, so to speak. I like my anonymity!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I just got home from an interview for an Escrow Closer/Processor position. I *think* it went really well. The lady I had the interview with was really nice, and instead of the traditional Q&A interview, we basically just sat there and talked for 45 minutes. I admit, I wasn't a huge fan of doing closings when I did them in Alaska, but the money on this is really nice. And I'm terribly nervous about the next stage in the interview process, assuming that I get there. The next stage is with today's interviewer's boss and I'd have to do the Q&A stuff and do a "closing" for her. Okay, I've done closings before, but I'm a bit worried that the documents here are totally different then what I dealt with in Alaska. Sure, I knew that stuff, but if everything is different, I'm afraid that I'll blow this. Oh well, if/when I get to that stage of things, I'll have my little panic attack and then suck it up since this job starts at like $32K a year. Which is a bit more then I made in Alaska. Scary. Which means that I could actually start thinking about getting a nice little house of my own. House, not apartment. Granted, I'd need to get established in the job first, but still...Look at me! I'm already planning on how to spend the money and I haven't even had a second interview! Maybe it's a sign. Let's hope so.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

You've gotta be kidding me

I was out grocery shopping the other day, and noticed the headlines of all the crappy magazines next to the checkout. It seems that they want to let little Miss Hilton out of her whopping 45 day jail sentence because she's afraid of going to jail. Hmm, isn't that kind of the whole point of jail? I mean, come on! Who wouldn't be afraid? And it's not like this is her first offense for drunken driving. And all she gets is 45 days? I can't believe that she could possibly be stupid enough not to realize that drinking and driving are wrong. She's obviously got a brain in there somewhere; not many people can make a career out of looking cute and partying. In my opinion, if she was foolish enough to screw up not once but twice, then she needs to pay for her actions. And with someone like her, a fine is not going to do it. She's used to buying what she wants when she wants it. And I'm sure that in her day she's gotten out of many a bad situation by paying her way out of it. If jail time scares her so badly, then maybe she should get some mandatory community service. And not just making a "Don't Drink and Drive" ad. Something more along the lines of what New York City did to Boy George. He had to pick up trash in the park, etc. And if that isn't humbling, nothing is. And no, I'm not trying to punish dear ol' Paris Hilton because she's cute and famous. Frankly, I don't care one way or the other. However, since she does have some fame (or notoriety, depending on how you look at it), there are younguns out there who are seeing this and getting the wrong idea. They aren't going to realize that there is a different set of laws for normal people who can't afford the top attorneys. Okay, that was cynical sounding. But, if it were me, and I were in California and did the same "crimes" as Paris Hilton, would the judge let me off with just 45 days? I really don't think so. Ugh, this just pisses me off. I don't like the idea of her being used as an example, but I really don't think that they'd ever give her the same punishment that they would for your average joe.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Finally got the internet back. There was some stupid screw up where they didn't credit the account properly which made the payment late. Then there was another screw up that somehow took a late payment and made it show to the tech peeps as a non-payment. So, they disconnected us. On the first call, they told us that it was just a "soft" disconnect and that we'd have service restored in 24 to 48 hours. Okay, no biggie. Two days past and still no service. So the ol' man called and was told that he was misinformed and that the service was disconnected and there wasn't an order to restore it. What?!? Any way, they wouldn't even give him a time frame of when it would be restored. Late Thursday night he finally got done with tech support because they had to redo basically everything, mind you, it was working just dandy before they did their mass screw ups. What a pain in the arse. I'd love to just tell these peeps where to shove their crappy service, but it's not really my call. Suffice it to say that when I get my own place (which can't come soon enough) and have to get an ISP, this one is going on the absolute bottom of my list. Unless they're the only game in town, they aren't getting my business. I'd like to say that even then they wouldn't, but I'm an internet addict. I'd go bloody crazy without my stupid games. I'd be buying stuff for the PS2 or the Wii until I drove myself into the poor house. Though at least I wouldn't be bored....