Friday, May 25, 2007


This day is surreal. I've gone literally months without getting a single freakin' bite on my resume. So I finally gave in to my parents who have been begging me to come down for a visit. Guess what happened today? The temp agency I "signed up" with months ago calls me out of the blue with a job possibility! What the hell? I explained that I'll be out of town all of next week, and not back until late Monday, June 4, and she is trying to see what she can do. So, I might have to run in for an interview with her boss this afternoon (mind you, it's almost 2pm now). I have a couple of errands that I need to run, and now I don't know whether to wait or what. The last time she said she'd call me, I never heard anything back. Now she claims she'll call this afternoon, and I need to get out to the bank, the gas station, the book store (gotta have something to do on the plane, ya know!), and I was hoping to pop into a clothes store to look for a couple of tops. I need to be up and at the airport no later then 6 tomorrow morning, so I want to get to bed fairly early so that I manage to get some sleep. So, I have this feeling that this afternoon is going to be a big p.i.t.a. My guess is that I'm going to sit around waiting for this damned phone call, and she won't call. Then I'll have to scramble to get everything done, wasting the last few hours on errands instead of cuddling with the Kitty of Doom or the Ol' Man. I'm gonna have to rush through laundry so that I can get everything packed. Freakin' A, why must Murphy always throw his damned laws in my face? I honestly don't know whether to start laughing hysterically or to break down and cry in frustration. I'm tellin' ya, the gods must love messing with me.

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