I don't have a lot of time today to write anything. I'm running around doing all that last minute junk and all the stuff I've been procrasinating on. Though that should mean that I'll be good and tired early tonight since I have to get up before the crack of dawn tomorrow. My flight takes off around 7:30, so I have to be up and at the airport early. Though, with any luck, that will mean that there aren't a lot of people there being dumb. I always seem to get behind that person that "forgets" to remove anything that will set off the metal detectors. And they forget five or six times before security starts getting annoyed...It seems that when I take early morning flights, I tend to have better luck. If I'm super lucky, I might actually manage a cat nap on the plane. Probably not, because I am a bit excited to be seeing my parents and family. I will get to see my nephew for the first time! And it's only the second time I will have seen my niece. Hopefully, since it's closer and easier to make the trip, I'll be able to get there more often. It really sucked when I was in Alaska because you really had to have a good chunk of time off to be able to go anywhere. None of this fly down for the weekend kind of stuff. Heck, my flights to get back to Michigan took 12 hours, though on paper it looked like 16 because of all of the time zones. I certainly don't want to do that for only a couple of days!
And another job update thingie: I mentioned that I got the "you didn't get the job email" last night. Well, I replied back to my interviewer, and thanked her for her time and giving me the chance with the interview, and, of course, wishing her and her company luck. She replied back! She said she "would definitely" keep me in mind if anything else opened up and that she hated that part of her job, but she was glad that I had responded so graciously. I may not have got this position, but I think that if anything opens up, I will have someone in my corner. That was really nice, because I really did like this lady. She was very sweet, very down to earth, and she had a sense of humor. Who knows, maybe I made enough of an impression on her that she'd give my name out to some of the other folks she works with (i.e. lenders, attorneys, etc.). Just have to wait and see. Haven't heard anything about the store job. Figures, I thought that one was pretty much a cakewalk. With my luck, I'll get the call while in Florida and won't get it because I won't be available for an interview (Murphy's Law).
Okay, time to get my rear in gear and get these errands done! Have fun without me for the next week and a half!
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