Friday, July 20, 2007

Kaching, kaching, snap, crackle, pop!

That's the sound of the car bill being tallied, followed immediately by the bank breaking. It seems that my lovely Caddy had some lovlier little leaks in the valves, etc. etc. It's costing just under a grand to have the darned thing fixed. And people wonder why I don't like buying used cars...well, this would be why. You just never know if the previous owner performed regular maintenance or anything like that. And I've just never had luck with used cars. Some people (MW & Bobby) have had pretty good luck with 'em, but I haven't yet. At least when something goofy goes on with a new car, I've got a warranty. Yep, I like new. Too bad it'll be a while before I get a new one.

On a totally different note, my parents made it up to the mitten. After dropping my car off at the shop, I got a call from them asking if I wanted to do lunch. They finally got to meet their "grandson", i.e. The Kitty of Doom. Mom seemed to like him, but I'm not sure about Dad. He's never had any good experiences with cats, so he's not fond of them at all. KoD was pretty well behaved, so maybe Dad will come around.

So, I'm bored. I'm sitting here waiting for the call to tell me that my car is ready to be picked up. Luckily they've got a courtesy drop-off/pickup service, so I don't have to bother Tim at work. He's been trying to get a greenhouse job finished, but it's just one stupid thing after another. Some jobs are like that. He doesn't have any appointments (that he knows of) tonight, so he might actually get home at a decent hour. These 13+ hour days are really taking their toll on him. Gotta love summer, I suppose. Now if only I could land something. This job thing is really starting to tick me off. There's gotta be someone out there who's willing to give me a chance! Ah well, not much to do but keep sending out the resumes and filling out the applications, and hoping that the telephone will ring. Oh, and keeping my fingers crossed. Okay, that's enough for now.

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