Friday, July 06, 2007

Time to change

So, I actually got a birthday present that I wanted. I'm kinda shocked. I never get something that I really want, but the boyfriend pulled through and got me tickets to see Staind at the Orbit Room in Grand Rapids. He's even planning on leaving work early so we can get there on time. Staind is probably my favorite band of the moment. I'm still devoted to the Beatles, but obviously I'll never get to see them live! And yes, George Strait is right up there, no matter what. But Staind's songs seem to reflect my life. It's odd how we find music that reflects the events we're going through. And Staind is like "middle-aged angst" as opposed to the ever popular teenage angst.

I'm still feeling pretty pissy about the ex-husband. He did manage to send me a one sentence reply that answered one of my questions. He did NOT manage to tell me how the dogs are doing. This really worries me. I'm a worrier by nature, but the more I think about this, the more ominous it sounds. If it were just the ex involved, I'd know that my feelings were unfounded because he does love those dogs and would do anything for them. But, I don't know anything about his new wife. And I don't know what sort of influence, if any, she has over him. And since he hasn't even written "the dogs are fine", it makes me wonder if he didn't find new homes for them or something. Or maybe it's just his way of punishing me for asking for a divorce. That doesn't make much sense though since he's already moved on. I just wanna know they're okay! I feel like I've lost my children. I think I've run out of tears because I've been crying so much. If this is his way of punishing me for some imagined slight, it's awfully cruel. I'm just praying to any God out there that will listen, that my pups are okay and loved. If he did re-home them, I will be furious. And I'll probably start planning a road trip to Alaska to fetch them back. I refuse to let my babies be raised by people who are strangers to me. Refuse. And though it will take most of the money I have left (if not all), I just don't care. Those dogs mean more to me then my own life. *Sigh* I guess I didn't run out of tears after all.


~Pees With A Fist Sitting Down said...

Concerts are ALWAYS a good gift! Score! Well...when is it??? (or did I just do a crap job of reading? lol) Have fuuuuun!

Sorry about the dogs..what kind(s) are they?

My ex did the same thing - threatened to take our children's beloved PETS to the pound. Such an ass! Anyway - I got one and the other went with family.

Melosa said...

The concert is on July 17th. A Tuesday night. That's the only sucky thing about it. Of course, since I'm still jobless, it's not such a big deal. As for the dogs, I had a Cocker Spaniel named Harley before I met the ex, he had a Pit Bull named Roxy, and together we got a Norwegian Elkhound named Kyrie. Stupid me thought it would be easier and safer on the dogs to let them stay in Alaska. Of course, that was when the ex swore that he'd keep me posted on how they were doing. But, he hasn't. So now I have no idea. I wish I had a clue. It wouldn't be an easy task to go and get them since they're in Alaska and I'm in Michigan, to top it off, I'm stuck in an apartment. I feel like I abandoned my babies. Well, I'd better try and sleep. *hugs*

DINK said...